
Saturday 30 May 2020

Letter to miss jacinda adern

WALT:how to correctly set out and write a thank you letter for a particular audience and purpose 

Reflection:I had trouble with ideas for my letter but I enjoyed writing

Question:have you ever wrote a letter

Friday 29 May 2020

isometrical drawing/maths

WALT:to draw cube models using isometric dot paper and make a cube model from a dot paper drawing.
Reflection:I enjoyed drawing the blocks but I wish there was a faster way for colouring it in.

Question:have you ever drew something isometrical?

Thursday 28 May 2020

Maths Prototec basic facts

WALT:know our basic facts off by heart.

I am learning my basic facts using Prototec.

Reflection:Im trying to get my time to four minutes

Monday 25 May 2020

Mana potential dark blue

WALT:use mana potential as a self managment tool

My class had made a natural disaster discribing the blue mana potential.

On the google drawing i made a natural disaster for my mana potential.

Question:have you ever drew a tsunami